Is there anything magical about a headline formula for your blog?
It is a familiar struggle for content writers – finishing a well-crafted, useful blog post, but coming up short when it comes to the headline…especially when the click-through rate on Twitter is less than 2%. Daunting, isn’t it? We’ve compiled a list of headline-writing strategies to help combat those attention-getting woes.
1. Instruct your reader (the “how-to”). The success of a “how-to” formula operates on the premise that you are offering a solution to a problem that plagues your readership. A key point in these types of headlines is specificity. For example, instead of writing, “How to Start a Blog,” instead say, “How to Start a Successful Blog for Your Small Business.” The difference is in the details — you are speaking directly to a very specific reader, instead of a vague audience.
2. Problem-solution. This strategy combines classic list posts with a “how-to.” Readers are drawn to problem-solution-style headlines because they can see from a few words what the benefit of reading your article will be. To use this strategy, you want to separate your main ideas with the master of tension: the colon. Your first idea should present a problem or issue facing your reader, and the second idea should indicate the number of steps you will use to explain a solution. “How to Get More Comments on Your Blog: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Engagement,” is a headline that introduces an issue and follows with a summary of your solution.
3. Guidebooks. In this formula, the key is in the phrasing. More than offering a simple and basic “Beginners Guide to Blogging,” offer a unique guide to a specific topic. “The Ultimate Guide to Newbie Blogging,” has a higher likelihood of being read, as it targets a specific reader with a unique need.
4. Question master. Ask questions relevant to your readership. What’s a hot topic in your industry at the moment? What are people talking about or debating? Determine a burning question and give a quality answer in your article. Example: “How to Start a Successful Blog for Your Small Business,” will ostensibly provide your reader with an answer to the question of “what makes a small business blog successful?”
5. Preventing pitfalls. It goes without saying that professionals are eager to avoid making mistakes, so using words that imply a route to failure is likely to draw your reader’s attention. With this formula, you want to present your headline with a subject that is important to your reader and highlight the potential for a slip-up. A headline like, “10 Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them,” compels your reader to click through to see if they are guilty of any of these mistakes.
What strategies do you use with your headlines to draw in more readers?
Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC
by Jordan VanAhn | Social Media Jedi
We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.
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